Tuesday 16 August 2011

The Alf

In March Andy and I had a very furry, very cuddly, and very slobbery baby boy named Alfie. He keeps me busy vacuuming up tumble weeds of fur, replacing chewed up valuables, chasing him chasing children, and vacuuming up more tri colored fur balls. But, like all new parents say, I can’t imagine life without my little bundle of joy! This is why, when talking to my sister about their puppy, Molly, I had some major health concerns for my little boy. She told me how Molly was going to the vet every other week and sometimes every week to fix a little problem she was having with some glands, which the doctor thought might be due to her constant swimming. As Samantha is telling me about Molly’s little issue and how if not fixed can lead to extreme discomfort for the pup or even an infection leading to doggy antibiotic, images of Alfie’s nightly swim in Poole harbor kept playing over and over again in my head making me increasingly worried for his health. I told Sam I needed to get off skype ASAP and get my pooch to the vet, but being the amazing sister she is she told me step by step how we can fix the problem at home, save my precious pennies, and make Alfie a happy healthy little man.
            Naturally as soon as I was off skype, having had my tutorial from Samantha on how her fiancĂ©, Ryan, “fixes” Molly’s tiny issue, I went running to Andy proclaiming we must, immediately, before it gets any worse, before Alfie dies of discomfort, squeeze his BUTT!!!” And to my total surprise Andy was not quite as eager as I thought he would be. So I told him all about Molly and how her anal glands become so full (and smelly) that she has to have them emptied every week. I expressed my urgent concern that Andy must do this right away, because after all he is our baby!
            After explaining how it is done and Andy grimacing not believing there was such a thing or Ryan would dare get that personal with his dog, we youtubed it. And sure enough, in cyber space, there waiting, was an extremely graphic video tutorial on how to empty your dog’s anal glands. After quite a lot of convincing (and a little nagging) I persuaded Andy it is very incredibly necessary he get his hand gloved and give Alfie a little massage. And to the backyard we went: lube, gloves, and dog.
It was a very educational Saturday afternoon and I learned Alfie was not like Molly and his glands were A OK and completely empty. However, Alfie now looks at his Dad with a whole different set of loving eyes!

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